Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)

Animated Public Service Commercials

In partnership with Gard and the Oregon Department of Transportation, we proudly crafted a series of 3D animated Public Service Annoucement (PSA) videos, underlining the significance of safety and the importance of well-being for all Oregonians.

Client: ODOT
Agency: Gard Communications
Studio: Deep Sky
Director: Jared Hobbs
Producer: James Horn

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In partnership with Gard and the Oregon Department of Transportation, we proudly crafted a series of 3D animated Public Service Annoucement (PSA) videos, underlining the significance of safety and the importance of well-being for all Oregonians.

Client: ODOT
Agency: Gard Communications
Studio: Deep Sky
Director: Jared Hobbs
Producer: James Horn

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Closer Than You Think

Objects May Appear "Closer Than You Think". In this 3D animated PSA commercial, we see the beautiful Oregon landscape come to life, simulating real-life circumstances and importance of sharing the road.

Pedestrian Speed

In this PSA spot in collaboration with GARD, we dove into a new approach to catch our audiences attention: A "real-time" video game, indicating the importance of keeping pedestrians safety first while behind the wheel. In real life, unfortunately, there are no extra chances.

New Stop as Yield Law

Building on the success of our past videos with Gard and the Oregon Department of Transportation, we decided to again join forces on this 3D animated spot demonstrating the new Stop As Yield Law. Shifting gears into our first fully 3D spot for ODOT, we wanted to create something special for our long-time clients. To do this, we created a realistic, yet stylized, urban environment for our characters to navigate, and we storyboarded sequences that are well-known to many cyclists. Our 3D team designed, modeled, and textured this entire cityscape, closely mimicking the vibrant towns and cities across our home state of Oregon. As for characters, the cyclists were rigged specifically for whatever they were riding, while the pedestrians in the background were rigged uniquely for walking.


Pedestrian Safety

Client: ODOT
Agency: Gard Communications
Production: Deep Sky
Director: Jared Hobbs
Producer: James Horn
Art Director: Barret Thomson
DP: Russel Eaton
Editor: Grant Perdew
Modeling: Barret Thomson
Retopo: Joe Antico
Texture/Lighting: Esli Becerra
Rigging: Glauber Belo
Rigging: Danilo Pinheiro
Animatics: Jack Ellis
2D animation (Viv): Gaby Breiter
3D animator: Jordan Heard
Tracking & color: Zack Dixon
Compositing: Eric Reed

New Stop As Yield Law

Client: ODOT
Agency: Gard Communications
Animation Studio: Deep Sky
Producer: James Horn
Creative Director: Barret Thomson
Technical Director: Elliott Bynum
Modeling/texturing: Kevin Atkins
Animation: Jordan Heard
Lighting/Compositing: Esli Becerra

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