Monkeying Around

Deep Sky collaborated with New Amsterdam Film Company and MG on their latest spot titled Monkeying Around. We utilized our in-house CGI chimpanzee model on this rad and ambitious 30-second international spot.

While we've have had several years experience animating and compositing digital animals (particularly chimps), this spot had a load of welcome challenges. From moving cameras, moving objects, interactions with talents, an 8 mm lens, CGI tunnel, and of course 3 digital animals and props in most scenes.

Client: MG
Agency: New Amsterdam Film Company
Director: Daniel Bruce
VFX Studio: Deep Sky

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Deep Sky collaborated with New Amsterdam Film Company and MG on their latest spot titled Monkeying Around. We utilized our in-house CGI chimpanzee model on this rad and ambitious 30-second international spot.

While we've have had several years experience animating and compositing digital animals (particularly chimps), this spot had a load of welcome challenges. From moving cameras, moving objects, interactions with talents, an 8 mm lens, CGI tunnel, and of course 3 digital animals and props in most scenes.

Client: MG
Agency: New Amsterdam Film Company
Director: Daniel Bruce
VFX Studio: Deep Sky

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Deep Sky collaborated with New Amsterdam Film Company and MG on their latest spot titled Monkeying Around. We utilized our in-house CGI chimpanzee model on this rad and ambitious 30-second international spot.

While we've have had several years experience animating and compositing digital animals (particularly chimps), this spot had a load of welcome challenges. From moving cameras, moving objects, interactions with talents, an 8 mm lens, CGI tunnel, and of course 3 digital animals and props in most scenes.

View the behind-the-scenes animatic we created for MG's Monkeying Around.

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Client: MG
Agency: New Amsterdam Film Company
Director: Daniel Bruce
VFX Studio: Deep Sky
VFX Supervisor: Jared Hobbs
Art Director: Barret Thomson
3D, VFX and Comp Lead: Esli Becerra
Technical Director: Elliott Bynum
VFX Artist: Zack Dixon
3D Rig support: Glauber Belo
3D Animation: Jordan Heard
3D Animation: Caleb Rankin
Sound Effects support: Jack Ellis

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