Deep Sky, in collaboration with Etage and Hexagon, proudly introduces the AgrOn Production series, a pioneering project that redefines the future of agriculture. This initiative features a compelling video focused on the forestry industry, meticulously crafted to highlight the latest advancements and innovative practices in this sector and represents a step forward in showcasing the technological evolution of sustainable forestry.
Client: Hexagon
Agency: Etage
Production Studio: Deep Sky
Producer: James Horn
Deep Sky, in collaboration with Etage and Hexagon, proudly introduces the AgrOn Production series, a pioneering project that redefines the future of agriculture. This initiative features a compelling video focused on the forestry industry, meticulously crafted to highlight the latest advancements and innovative practices in this sector and represents a step forward in showcasing the technological evolution of sustainable forestry.
Client: Hexagon
Agency: Etage
Production Studio: Deep Sky
Producer: James Horn
In our collaboration with Etage and Hexagon, Deep Sky crafted a standout piece for the AgrOn Production series, highlighting the forestry sector. This project was an opportunity to create content that showcased industry advancements while captivating a broad audience. We produced a video that delves into the cutting-edge practices of forestry, combining live-action footage with advanced visual effects (VFX). This approach offers viewers an insightful look into the future of the forestry industry.
To ensure the project's wide accessibility and relevance, the video was produced in both English and Portuguese, embracing a bilingual approach. Our expertise in visual storytelling played a crucial role in merging compelling visuals with educational content. This strategy successfully fulfilled the client's goal of generating engaging and informative media, effectively portraying the technological progress in the forestry sector to an international audience.
Client: Hexagon
Agency: Etage
Production Studio: Deep Sky
Producer: James Horn
Art Director: Barret Thomson
Editing: Steve Crocker
Motion Designer: Ben Drake
VFX: Esli Becerra
Script: Ian Mille
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