
Delta Zulu ANR Headset

The Delta Zulu ANR Headset is a revolutionary advancement in aviation, so Lightspeed asked Deep Sky to create a 3D animated product launch video to showcase the product. Pioneering advancements in safety, control, and comfort, this groundbreaking headset could be a game-changer, potentially saving lives in the air. This journey, from early prototypes to the sky-high final product, is as captivating as the innovation itself.

Client: Lightspeed Aviation
Production Studio: Deep Sky
Director: Jared Hobbs
Producer: James Horn

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The Delta Zulu ANR Headset is a revolutionary advancement in aviation, so Lightspeed asked Deep Sky to create a 3D animated product launch video to showcase the product. Pioneering advancements in safety, control, and comfort, this groundbreaking headset could be a game-changer, potentially saving lives in the air. This journey, from early prototypes to the sky-high final product, is as captivating as the innovation itself.

Client: Lightspeed Aviation
Production Studio: Deep Sky
Director: Jared Hobbs
Producer: James Horn

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Delta Zulu

Hero Shots

We utilized CAD models of the product to create a sleek and stunning 3D version for use in animated scenes. Using camera pans and fly throughs, we travel around the headset showing the textures and materials our team added to the 3D model. These shots build excitement and anticipation in the product video ahead of the hero shot's reveal of the full headset.

Animated scenes produced by Deep Sky were edited into a longer reveal video including live action video and real pilots using the Delta Zulu in the skies. See that full video on Lightspeed's YouTube page here.

Hero Shots

Technical Features

In addition to the sleek design of Lightspeed's Delta Zulu, it's technical features are what aviation pilots will find most useful. We created scenes highlighting these features, such as the CO Detector, the Battery Chamber, and UAC Plug. We highlighted those various parts with motion graphics and on-screen text to provide more information for viewers.

UI Animation

To showcase the product's integration with the Lightspeed app, our team created an animated user interface. The design of the screen is literal to the app, showing viewers the full detail. We added motion graphics and on-screen text to highlight various features as well.


Client: Lightspeed Aviation
Production Studio: Deep Sky
Director: Jared Hobbs
Producer: James Horn
Assistant Director: Seth Chaffee
Director of Photography: Russ Eaton
B-Cam: Steve Crocker
Audio Mixer: Derek Ecklund
Editor: Miguel Aguilar
3D Artist: Daniel Bueno

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