
Technical Product Render Highlights

In the VENN tech video, we aimed to visualize how the function of natural elements can be elevated by smart and integrated engineering. The video shows the compatibility of natural cane with synthetic fibers, giving users the flexibility and response they expect from a D'Addario reed.

Client: D'Addario
Studio: Deep Sky
Producer: Jared Hobbs
3D Technical Director: Elliott Bynum

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In the VENN tech video, we aimed to visualize how the function of natural elements can be elevated by smart and integrated engineering. The video shows the compatibility of natural cane with synthetic fibers, giving users the flexibility and response they expect from a D'Addario reed.

Client: D'Addario
Studio: Deep Sky
Producer: Jared Hobbs
3D Technical Director: Elliott Bynum

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Creating natural simulations were important in this video. You first see this in the fibers, which flow in a hyper-realistic way. The realism continues as we use particle simulations to show how sound interacts with the reed. And finally, the durability is shown using a water simulation that wraps around and drips onto the reed itself.

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VENN Credits
Client: D'Addario
Studio: Deep Sky
Producer: Jared Hobbs
3D Technical Director: Elliott Bynum
Motion Design: Esli Becerra
Motion Design: Daniel Bueno

Technical Highlights
Client: D’Addario
Studio: Deep Sky
Creative Director: Jared Hobbs
Producer: James Horn
Project Manager: Elliott Bynum
3D Designer: Esli Becerra
3D Designer: Daniel Bueno
3D Modeling: Kevin Atkins

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Static and dynamic content editing

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