Clearly Filtered

Affinity Filtration Technology Launch Video

Clearly Filtered needed to show how their Affinity Filtration Technology is the most advanced system in providing clean and safe drinking water. Visualizing the Clearly Filtered Water Pitcher product in 3D, we created a hero video that balances the beauty of the product with its unique features.

The product video accompanied a website refresh by Clearly Filtered, and it plays a key role in the messaging, both for the product and technology individually and for the brand as a whole.

Client: Clearly Filtered
Production Company:
Deep Sky
Blake Boxer

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Clearly Filtered needed to show how their Affinity Filtration Technology is the most advanced system in providing clean and safe drinking water. Visualizing the Clearly Filtered Water Pitcher product in 3D, we created a hero video that balances the beauty of the product with its unique features.

The product video accompanied a website refresh by Clearly Filtered, and it plays a key role in the messaging, both for the product and technology individually and for the brand as a whole.

Client: Clearly Filtered
Production Company:
Deep Sky
Blake Boxer

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The Ask

Clearly Filtered approached us with a straightforward challenge: Effectively communicate that this is the most advanced water filtration system on the market. This video needed to act as both an informational marketing asset for them as well as a beacon of it’s premium brand positioning. 

While the product’s features and functions are highly technical, the ultimate benefit to the end user is health and trust. While much of that could be conveyed through technical animation, much of it would come across through the script and product presentation.

Hero Product Shots

This project was a fusion of art and technology, where we sought to capture not just the Water Pitcher's physical features, but its essence and impact on the end-user.

Objectively, it’s a beautiful product. Utilizing product CADs, our team created a 3D rendered model of the Water Pitcher and Affinity Filtration Technology, complete with the transparent body and filled with pure, filtered water.

Next, we constructed a lighting setup and rendering pipeline that showcases this beauty. We developed a 3D environment of a kitchen with plenty of natural light. This light shined on and passed through the product’s clear body, showing a level of beauty so closely tied to the product’s functions themselves.

Technical Animations, Liquid Simulations, & Particle Simulations

Water is obviously the most important ingredient in this process. To show the product’s functions, we created technical 3D animations that visualized the microscopic processes the filter performed on water as it passes through.

Our 3D animation and VFX team used liquid and particle simulations to show these in microscopic precision. The water comes into contact with a variety of surfaces and textures, and the liquid needed to act naturally across all of them.

Textures & Materials

In the video, water encounters two cutting-edge components: A dynamic water pathway and a powerful blend of six superior magnetic-like filtration materials. These materials filter out contaminants including fluoride, PFAS, lead, arsenic, and pesticides.

We created a unique and identifiable look for these filtration materials and contaminants to aid in the visual storytelling of the video. The materials and textures used across all of these looked notably different from each other. Some had a rocky, slate-like appearance, while others were multi-colored particles.

The Outcome

The website refresh and product video were launched in tandem, receiving heightened attention and praise for their messaging. As noted by the Clearly Filtered team, this video needed to set a benchmark for the water filtration industry, and after its launch, has spurred conversation around our water purity and how people can reclaim their health through clean drinking water.


Client: Clearly Filtered
Production Company:
Deep Sky
Studio Director:
Jared Hobbs
Blake Boxer
Design and Animation: Daniel Bueno
Water Simulation: Esli Becerra
Audio: Brett White

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